2020 has not turned out in any good way so far. I was sceptical as to whether people would want to do a lot of photoshoots, especially with their newborns. People who know me, know exactly how particular I am about keeping props and clothes clean before and after every shoot. But the trust people put in me, really warms me from the inside. So thank you, my lovelies! I am both honoured and obliged to keep that trust.
Just a couple of days before Onam, I had a shoot scheduled with the lovely doctor couple, Drs Parvathy and Sandeep, and their brand new arrival, Samaira baby. As I reached their home, I was stunned by the landscaping around the house. All credit goes to Parvathy's parents. Everywhere I looked I could see so many exotic trees, bushes and flowers. Pops of bright colours among the lush greenery... The wheels in my head started turning...
I've always been an advocate for letting children bond with nature. And so when I saw their house I really wanted to use those natural backdrops and a theme that revolved around nature. And I was super excited when they told me they wanted to do the photoshoot outside!
So I wrapped up Aira baby in angelic white and placed her in a little wooden bowl beside a bush. You can see a few photos below, and see how the theme was 'baby in nature'.
The photos came out great and I really hope parents start getting more creative like this lovely couple! We took a few photos with the three of them too. All in all it was a fun shoot for me and I believe the entire family enjoyed it too!